Friday, May 17, 2013

White Daisies in a Colorful World

In a world full of multicolored daisies;

Few were white.

Every daisy wanted to be the most colorful,

The most distinguished,

The most famed;

But few wanted to be pure white.

The Gardener had once planted white daisies,

But most daisies thought it better to have color.

Many found a way to artificially color themselves

In all types of outstanding colors.

But - 

There still were a small, singular few,

Who kept the pure white

Which the Gardener once planted.


One day an almost white daisy was talking to a dazzling purple daisy
Trying to convince her of the beauty of showing white, just as the Gardener planted her.

" You should be white. The Gardener did not make us to have all these colors. He wanted us to keep the purity of white." 

The purple daisy was not convinced. 

The white daisy was not fully white
She was tinted, or was it tainted on the edges with color.

She was beginning to look like the rest of the colored daisies.

The purple daisy could not see that the "white" daisy was a part of the white, small, singular few.

What kind of daisy are you?

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