Thursday, June 13, 2013


"Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day..."
We all have heard this English nursery rhyme countless times.

But really, I question, when will the rain go away?

Monday began. Sunny.  Then rain.

Tuesday. Threateningly cloudy but, thankfully, no rain.

Wednesday. Heavy, blinding rain.

Torrential Thursday, once again there is rain.

Friday, rain, rain, more rain. Is the rain here to stay?

Saturday, no rain.  Yes! Maybe it has gone away for another day.

I guess not.  Sunday, rain. 

Today, rain again.

Six out of eight days- rain.

I really enjoy sunshine. The rain can be dreary. But I decided that my outlook is most important, especially when circumstances are not as I would have them. 

I can see an inconvenience or I can see a blessing. 

Outlook.  A mental attitude or view. My outlook makes all the difference.

This reminds me of story...
{God assured Israel that He would give them victory in conquering Canaan.}

Twelve spies were sent from the Israel, scouting out the country of Canaan to see the land and how they would conquer it. Ten of the twelve spies returned to Israel with very negative, fearful reports. " The people are too big and the cities are too strong. We can never conquer the land." They were scared.  The spies discouraged the people from even attempting to conquer, and the people listened.

Two spies return with joyous news. They saw everything that the other spies had seen, but instead they brought positive reports . They were full of faith. Their outlook focused on the promise of God. They were ready to enter into battle and clobber.

It is clear that outlook affects influence.  So instead of moping around waiting for the deluge to end, I stayed busy. My time was spent blessing others with music and ministry with a good attitude. And on days I didn't get out, I wrote this, which I hope is a blessing to you!

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