I'm sure I'm not the only one who sometimes gets tempted to think that following Christ isn't really worth it. I mean, is it really worth the time, effort, and sacrifice? Life
appeared easier when I did whatever I wanted, said whatever came to my mind, acted anyway I felt. You know how thoughts can go,
if life was only as it used to be...
Often in life, when things aren't going as we might like, isn't it tempting to look back?
Ah, peeking back at the past when things seemed easier...
Hungry, tired and wondering what they had gotten themselves into. Israel was following God who was leading them from being slaves to...
where again?
The Tempter comes and whispers,
Remember how life was before you decided to follow God? Life was great! Where do you think you are going anyway? Why trust God and waste time thinking He is going to care for you? Imagine how much easier things would be if you just went back home..."
They fall for the temptation and now long for the life they left behind. They complain, they regret. They become sick and dissatisfied of following God in faith. They cry for what they were used to, earthly sustenance. Looking back, they lose trust.
Satan has extreme pleasure when he can get us to look back to our old ways of living before we knew God. Yes, life may have seemed easier. Satan always wants to make it seem that following God is tedious, sad and worthless compared to his deception that his own ways are bright, happy and easy. It may even appear this way at first glance. But following God
is worth it! He is always beside His followers, giving us real happiness, strength to not fall to temptations, love for Him and for others. There are sometimes challenges, but He is right beside us to give strength. He really does change lives.
Don't look back.
Image from Freefoto.com
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